Forthcoming Events
4th Finance Intermediation Workshop Bank of Italy – EIEF
Rome, March 11, 2025
Venue: EIEF
EIEF will host the 4th Internal Financial Intermediation Workshop that is jointly organized with the Bank of Italy. The event is a part of a series of regular thematic workshops that aimed at establishing a platform for the early discussion of research projects among economists at the Bank of Italy and EIEF and incentivizing collaboration on joint research projects. The organizers are Andrea Polo (LUISS, EIEF), Joao Monteiro (EIEF), Anatoli Segura Velez (Bank of Italy) and Luana Zaccaria (EIEF). Program.
8th CEPR /Warwick/UPF/Northwestern/EIEF Political Economy Symposium
Rome, March 14-15, 2025
Venue: EIEF
The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick along with Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Northwestern University and the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) are organizing the eighth edition of this Symposium on Political Economy that will be held in Rome, Italy, in March 2025. The aim of the conference is to bring together the top theoretical and empirical political scientists and economists across Europe and North America. A limited number of papers will be presented (10 over two days) to allow maximum time for discussion. The workshop will be held at EIEF, building on previous successful meetings held at the Warwick in Venice Palazzo since 2013. Program.
4th Macro-Monetary Workshop Bank of Italy - EIEF
21 March 2025
EIEF, Rome
EIEF and the Bank are jointly organizing the fourth edition of the Macro-Monetary Workshop. The event is part of a series of regular thematic workshops that aim at establishing a platform for the early discussion of research projects among economists at the Bank of Italy and EIEF and incentivizing collaboration on joint research projects. The workshop will consist in 7-8 presentations of 30 minutes each, divided in 2 sessions. The organizers are Luigi Paciello (EIEF) and Andrea Tiseno (Bank of Italy). Program
Bocconi - EIEF - World Bank Workshop on “Mend the Gap in Economic Opportunities in Europe and Central Asia”
Rome, May 15-16, 2025
Venue: EIEF
EIEF, together with the Axa Gender Lab at Bocconi and the World Bank are organizing a workshop on “Mend the Gap in Economic Opportunities in Europe and Central Asia” that will be held at EIEF on May 15-16, 2025. The workshop aims to serve as a platform for evidence-based policy dialogue on strategies to foster women's economic empowerment, labor force participation, and entrepreneurship. The workshop will feature a keynote lecture from Prof. Claudia Olivetti (George J. Records 1956 Professor of Economics, Dartmouth University, USA). Upcoming Program.
8th Rome Junior Conference on Applied Microeconomics
Rome, June 3-4, 2025
Venue: EIEF
EIEF is organizing the eighth edition of the "Rome Junior Conference on Applied Microeconomics”. The aim is to foster interaction and dissemination of research idea among researchers active in different areas of applied microeconomics. The selection of presenters will give preference to faculty at the early stages of their career. The organizers are: Gaia Dossi (UCL - on leave, EIEF), Renata Gaineddenova (Harvard Business School), Ingrid Haegele (Ludwig-Maximilians University) and Matteo Paradisi (EEIF). Upcoming Program.
9th Rome Junior Finance Conference
Rome, June 5-6, 2025
Venue: EIEF
EIEF is organizing the ninth edition of the "Rome Junior Finance Conference”. The goal of the conference is to bring together junior researchers active in finance and create an opportunity for informal discussions and other academic-related activities. The organizers are: Adrien Matray (Harvard University), João Monteiro (EIEF), Andrea Polo (LUISS, EIEF), and Luana Zaccaria (EIEF). Upcoming Program.
1st RoME Alumni Conference
Rome, June 11, 2025
Venue: EIEF
EIEF will host the inaugural RoME Alumni Conference. This event is designed to bring together alumni of the RoME Master's in Economics program, fostering productive discussions and building a strong RoME community. The alumni currently pursuing their PhDs will present their ongoing research and receive valuable feedback from peers and EIEF faculty. The conference will offer a unique chance to network with alumni working in industry and public policy. Join us in celebrating and strengthening our RoME community. The organizers are: Francesco Boninsegna (NYU), and Isabella Di Filippo (Columbia University). Program.
13th Rome Conference on Macroeconomics (aka Pizzanomics)
Rome, June 23-24, 2025
Venue: EIEF
EIEF is organizing the thirteenth edition of the "Conference on Macroeconomics” (a.k.a. Pizzanomics). The aim isto bring together junior economists from around the world with a strong interest in Macroeconomics, and to generate a friendly environment with intensive interaction, not only during the presentations but also informally before and after. The organizers are: David Argente (Yale University), Salomé Baslandze (Atlanta FED), Liyan Shi (Carnegie Mellon University-Tepper), and Liangjie Wu (EIEF). Upcoming Program.