Call for Research Proposals

The 2024 grants for research projects have been awarded to:

Principal Investigator: Beatrice Braut (Università di Genovai)
Project title: “Live vs Online Choices: What about Gender Differences?
Team members: Solo research

Principal Investigator: Elisa Facchetti (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”)
Project title: “Police Organization and Police Performance
Team members: Arianna Ornaghi (Hertie School), and Eddy Zou (LSE)

Principal Investigator: Muxin Li (Università Bocconi & IGIER)
Project title: “Self-Preferencing Regulation on Amazon
Team members: Solo research

Principal Investigator: Annalisa Loviglio (Università di Bologna)
Project title: “Reducing the Digital Divide for Marginalized Households
Team members: Guglielmo Barone (Università di Bologna), and Denni Tommasi (Università di Bologna)

Principal Investigator: Francesco Pappadà (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Project title: “Forbearance and Redistribution
Team members: Yanos Zylberberg (University of Bristol, School of Economics)

Principal Investigator: Lorenzo Spadavecchia (Università Bocconi)
Project title: “Back to Bank: Digital Currency, Deposits' Substitution and Credit
Team members: Jimmy Apaa Okello (Bank of Uganda), and Samuel Namwanja Musoke (Bank of Uganda))

For transparency, the details of the main features of the original call for papers are reported below:

EIEF funds research projects in economics and finance to foster high-quality and policy-relevant research in Italy.

Project content and characteristics
Projects can be in any field of economics and finance, provided they are:
- highly innovative and able to advance the understanding of economic behaviour, systems or policies;
- potentially able to yield at least one paper publishable in a top academic journal;
- carried out by an individual researcher based in an Italian institution or a team of researchers whose principal investigator satisfies the same criterion.

Preference will be given to projects whose principal investigator is under the age of 40, whose research team does not include people who have obtained EIEF grants in the past 5 years and do not have other sources of funding, for the proposed project itself or for related ones.

Neither EIEF Faculty members nor other researchers under contract with EIEF are allowed to participate in this call.

Project duration and funding
- the duration of each project is 1 year from the official communication of the award; the maximum grant for each project is EUR 10,000 and will be paid in two tranches of 50% each (unless agreed upon differently before the signing of the contract). 50% of the grant is paid upon approval and the remaining 50% upon completion and submission of the final project to the EIEF Grants Committee.

Research proposal must be written in English. To apply fill in the submission form, and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than April 19, 2024. Each proposal must contain:
- clear motivation and description of the research question and strategy;
- timeline of the project;
- financial plan, clearly identifying the financial needs;
- allocation of tasks among the participants (if there is more than one);
- a brief CV of each participant in the project, including information on all research funds currently available to all the members of the research team (specifying the projects for which the funds have been granted).

A committee appointed by EIEF will select 4 projects, though this number may vary depending on the quality and quantity of the applications received. The main criterion for selection is the quality of the project, together with an assessment of its feasibility by the proponent team.

The committee decisions will be made available on EIEF’s web page.

EIEF data protection policy

EIEF data protection policy is drafted in accordance with the European and Italian legislation on privacy.

The data provided by candidates are held at EIEF (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance) by the Recruitment department for the purpose of managing the selection procedure. The Institute assures the utmost confidentiality of the processing of personal data, automated or not, for both paper or electronic files.

Furthermore, the Institute specifies that treatment of this information continues for those who are awarded a grant and will therefore have their data processed for reasons connected to their contract.

The provision of these data is mandatory for the purposes of evaluating the requirements for participation; should a candidate refuse to provide them, they will be automatically excluded from the evaluation process.

The personal data of successful candidates are processed in order to ascertain that they have the necessary requirements and that their conduct is compatible with the functions to be carried out at EIEF, in accordance with EIEF regulations. Data relating to candidacy may also be processed for research purposes.

In cases provided for by laws and regulations, EIEF may transfer the information and data communicated by the candidate.

Applicants have the right to access their personal data and may update, amend, make anonymous or block any data processed in breach of the law, and oppose in full or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of their data. Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.

Applicants may assert their rights through the Data Controller – EIEF, Via Sallustiana n. 62 - Rome (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

In the event of breaches of the current laws on privacy, applicants may contact the Data Protection Supervisor, as the Supervisory Authority located in Piazza Venezia, 11 - Rome.

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