"When is Trust Robust?" by Daniele Terlizzese (with Luca Anderlini and Larry Samuelson). More...



  • Francesco Lippi elected Fellow of the Econometric Society 2024-10-11

    Francesco Lippi is one of the newly elected Fellows of the Econometric Society, the international society for the advancement of economic theory. Fellows represent the highest authority of the Econometric Society and elect its officers, Council and new fellows. Well deserved Francesco!

  • Important appointment for Emanuele Tarantino 2024-10-03

    Emanuele Tarantino has been nominated Chief Competition Economist at the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) of the European Commission. The official link is here. Congratulations to Emanuele!

  • Prestigious award to Luigi Guiso 2024-10-03

    We are proud to announce that Luigi Guiso (AXA Chair) has won the prestigious “Premio De Sanctis for Economic Science” (Giants in Economics). You can view the winners from the past two editions here. Well done, Luigi!

  • New Working Paper 2024-09-24

    "Approximately Optimal Auctions with a Strong Bidder" by Luca Anderlini and GaOn Kim. More ...

  • A new Faculty Member at EIEF 2024-09-04

    EIEF warmly welcomes Sara Casella (Luiss University), who has joined EIEF’s faculty as a Research Affiliate.

  • New visiting positions available 2024-07-01

    We have available several visiting positions for young and established scholars in the academic year 2025. More …

  • New Fellow at EIEF 2024-06-24

    EIEF warmly welcomes Stefano Gagliarducci who is joining the Faculty as a Fellow. Stefano is a Professor of Economics at Tor Vergata University of Rome and Director of the Rome Economics Doctorate (RED) program. His interests include Political Economy, Labor Economics and Applied Microeconometrics.

  • A warm welcome to 2 new researchers at EIEF 2024-05-15

    EIEF welcomes Bernardo S.C. Ribeiro and Gaia Dossi. Bernardo will join the faculty in May 2025 as an Assistant Professor. He holds a PhD from Yale University and his research interests include macroeconomics, growth, innovation and international trade. Starting in the summer of 2024 Bernardo will spend one year as Postdoctoral Associate at Princeton University. Gaia will join the faculty in the summer of 2025 as an Assistant Professor. She holds a PhD from London School of Economics and works on labor, innovation, health, and political economy. Starting in the summer of 2024 Gaia will spend one year as post-doc at the Stone Centre of the University College London.

  • Funding for Research Projects 2024-02-08

    EIEF offers funds for research projects in economics and finance to researchers based in Italian institutions. Submit your applications by April 19, 2024. More...

  • Welcome 2014-02-14

    The Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance produces world-class research, with an emphasis on policy relevant topics. It also aims to improve the quality of higher education in economics and finance in Italy by organizing advanced graduate level courses, high-quality seminars and conferences. More....

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