Emanuele Tarantino



Chief Competition Economist, European Commission
Professor, LUISS - on-leave 
Research Affiliate, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance - on leave.


European University Institute, Ph.D., 2010
London School of Economics and Political Science, M.Sc., 2005
University of Salento, B.A., 2003


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Research Interests

Industrial Economics, Financial Economics, Innovation Economics.

Selected Publications

“Patent Pools, Vertical Integration, and Downstream Competition” (with M. Reisinger), RAND Journal of Economics, 2019, 50(1), 168-200.

“Lending Standards over the Credit Cycle” (with G. Rodano and N. Serrano-Velarde), Journal of Financial Economics, 2018, 31(8), 2943-2982.

“Bankruptcy Law and Bank Financing” (with G. Rodano and N. Serrano-Velarde), Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 120(2), 363-382.

“Vertical Integration, Foreclosure and Productive Efficiency” (with M. Reisinger), RAND Journal of Economics, 2015, 46(3), 461-470.

“Conversations with Secrets” (with B. Ganglmair), RAND Journal of Economics, 2014, 45(2), 273-302.

Working Papers

“Cheap Trade Credit and Competition in Downstream Markets” (with M. Giannetti and N. Serrano-Velarde).
"Learning When to Quit: An Empirical Model of Experimentation in Standards Development” (with B. Ganglmair and T. Simcoe).
“The Effects of Horizontal Mergers When Firms Compete in Prices and Investments” (with M. Motta).

Honors, Awards and Fellowships

Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy of the European Commission (since 2017)

Unicredit-Mediocredito Franco Modigliani Fellowship (2010-2014)


Phone: +39.06.4792.5233
Fax: +39.06.4792.4872
E-mail: emanuele.tarantino[at]eief.it
Web: Emanuele Tarantino

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