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Fabian Waldinger - University of Warwick
Thursday 16 October 2014, 05:30pm - 07:00pm

Bombs, Brains, and Science The Role of Human and Physical Capital for the Creation of Scientific Knowledge


This paper examines the relative roles of human and physical capital for the creation of scientific knowledge. To address the endogeneity of inputs, I analyze a shock to human capital, the dismissal of scientists in Nazi Germany, and a shock to physical capital, WWII bombings of universities. In the short-run, a 10% decline in human capital reduced output by .2 sd whereas a 10% decline in physical capital reduced output by .05sd. The human capital shock persisted in the long-run, while the physical capital shock did not. To explore mechanisms for the persistence of the human capital shock I show that the dismissal of ‘star scientists’ was particularly detrimental as they are key for attracting other successful researchers and for the training of PhD students.

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